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Fall weather seems to have a way of sneaking up on us, and it will arrive quicker than you may think. Keeping up with everything from odd jobs to required maintenance is important to protect your business, and Fall is the perfect time to work on this. A bit of preventative work now will help protect your property in the colder months.

Looking to ensure that your tenants stay dry, warm, and happy? Check out these five fall maintenance tasks.

Clean or Replace Your HVAC Filters

Cleaning or replacing HVAC filters is a routine task that you should do every year, and fall is the perfect time to do this. Central heating systems run much more, if not nonstop, during the winter months. They will run much more efficiently when the filters are cleaned.

Animal-Proof Possible Entries

Squirrels, raccoons, and other creatures are looking for warm hiding places for the winter months, so it’s important to animal-proof your rental properties. Discourage critters from nesting in your building’s attic, basement, or wall insulation with the help of animal-control experts, who will most likely add metal screening over possible entry points.

Make Sure Your Roofing Is Sound

Check out your roof and make sure there aren’t any leaks that could cause problems for you or your tenants. A leaking roof can affect your attic, insulation, drywall, and electrical system. Call a roofing professional check for loose or missing shingles. In addition to this, make sure your gutters are clean. Clogged gutters are no good in the winter, and it’s best to clean them out once the leaves fall.

Clean The Chimney

If you have any fireplaces in your properties, yearly chimney maintenance is necessary. Although many of these fall maintenance jobs can be done as a DIY project, but this job is better left up to calling a chimney cleaning professional.

Test Any Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms

One of the easiest, yet most important, things you can do to protect your tenants and property is to check your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. It’s important to test these at least once a year. For units that require batteries, change them every fall and spring.

Preparing your rentals for winter protects your investments and minimizes the change of emergencies occurring in the winter. Taking the time to ensure your property is in working order will give both you and your tenants a better nights sleep. If you would like help managing the day to day tasks at your property, contact our property managers in Los Gatos at